ScreenShield Blog

The Top Three Fish finders!
If you are into fishing and looking at purchasing a new fish finder or perhaps buying your first fish finder then look no further at our top three ...

Last Minute Christmas Gifts for kids!
Last Minute Christmas Gifts for kids!
If you've realised that you don’t have enough gifts for the kids and need that wow factor out of the Christma...

The Top 5 Christmas Gadgets!
Christmas, It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Carols are being sung in the streets and the last-minute shoppers are still building up the co...

What’s the difference? Blackview BV9900 Pro vs Caterpillar S62 Pro
Two powerhouse smartphones in the rugged smartphone industry and priced similarly globally has the consumer asking what the difference is. While pr...

Introducing NICK'S - Seriously Tough Accessories
NICK'S - Born out of the love for simplicity; and the necessity of serious device protection comes the all-new range of NICK'S – seriously tough ac...